Where's my husband?


Ahhh , the holiday season is upon us again and it is time for me to start another canoe project.Like many others who frequent these forums my boat building projects are strictly a hobby. I am fortunate enough to be able to take a couple of weeks holidays from my full time job at the end of the year at which time I tend to dissapear for days at a time into my garage only to return covered in sawdust and epoxy for a bite to eat and a change of clothes. I would like to take this opportunity to not only thank my wife but to thank all of the other spouses out there for putting up with the rest of us that have caught the building bug and understanding our need to sand and varnish into the wee hours of the morning.Merry Christmas everyone , I hope you all have a great holiday....Cheers Jeff
Third! :D My poor wife never complains even though the "shop" is our basement garage directly under our bedroom. It also happens to be the main entryway so she has to park out in the weather, walk through the dust/fumes, and relax above all the noise.
I hear ya! Our shop isn't heated, no garage, so this will be year four, Christmas tree out, canoe in! I am blessed. Merry Christmas everyone.
Dave & Peggy Davidson


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gee i'm glad to see i'm not the only one. I'm lucky i have propane heat and a loving wife who's glad i'm in the garage working on it and not driving her crazy talking to her about it. Merry Christmas everyone. Jon K.:cool:
Solved that one. Incorporated in'87. Made her the treasurer. Shop built in '88. Full time,more or less when not fishing, in '95. Have a great holiday season. Gee, for once I'm politically correct.
Wife tribute

An easy tribute to a wife is to name your canoes after her. I have Miss Judy, Judith Ann, and Precious. Works pretty well. A fellow WCHAer friend said if I get another canoe it will also be named after my wife, he said the name 'X' will come naturally.

Fumes must have cleared in Gil's shop.

Merry Christmas, My wife is also is also very patient. She has been known to sit under a canoe for hours with a clinching iron. I have to pay later. Pete