What is it and is it worth Saving


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Through a chance meeting at the local watering hole, I'm now the proud owner of a cedar and canvas canoe. The good thing is that is was free, the bad thing is that it is in quite a rough shape. The guy in the bar told me it was built in eastern Canada and that it is a "Peterborough" style canoe. He also told me it didn't have any broken ribs, but on closer inspection most of the ribs are broken or have hairline cracks.

Anyway I wonderd if anyone would know what this is exaclty. I took some measurements:

Length: 13' 10"
Beam: 35"
Height: 13"
The ribs are 2 1/4" and spaced at 1.5"
Planking is 2.5" in width
The keel is 1.5"x 0.5"

I couldn't find s serial number, I think the stems and decks were replaced at one point.
Based on the measurements I would gues it vould be a Chestnut Fire, Peterborough Pond or a Canadian Canoe Co. Leader, but as I'm fairly new to this game I could be miles of track.

I don't know if it is worth saving, it would be quite some work, but I'm not to bad with woodworking so I think I would enjoy the challenge. I was thinking of building a cedar and canvas canoe from scratch, and this would be a good learning experience. don't you think?

Any advice, opinion, tip would be greatly appreciated.




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I cannot help you with who made it but I'm just finishing a 14'6" Huron that was in worse shape than that one and I'd certainly recommend taking on the project. It'll take a while but you will certainly learn a lot and, for me, that's what it is all about. The ones after the little Huron were much easier from putting back together a pile of would be "kindling".