what fries my bacon

chris pearson

Michigan Canoe Nut
Ok, I pride myself on doing a quality restoration job. I'm anal about making sure things are right and everything is true. I go to put the keel on my 16 foot guide and notice the bottom bumps out where I replaced some ribs. I took time replacing only every other rib at one time and spaced that out a couple days or more. I also replaced the planking in that area as well. I should have really looked the hull over I guess before pulling the broken ribs out. This is my 6th restoration and it kills me to make such a rookie mistake. Its not real bad,but enough for me to know its there. Anyone else have the same experience to make me feel better?
Had prety much the same experience with an Old Town OTCA. All busted up in the center. Discovered the shape was going away as I replaced ribs with some planking off. Even with a 2x4 temporary keel and batens there was still evidence that the shape was wrong. The guy that paid too much for it to hang in a lodge didn't care however. sometimes you just cant match the old with the new without building a whole new boat.
I bet after you use the boat a time or two, and after it goes through several cycles of wet and dry, any bumps that you see now will be gone. Of course the opposite can also be true in that lumps you don't see now may come out later but its better not to think too much about that! Wood moves, wet wood moves more.