Weight of canvas filled using Zinsser Mold & Mildew Proof Waterproofing Paint?


Wooden Canoe Maniac
For those of you who have used the above Zinsser product to fill their canoe: did you notice a reduction in the canoe's weight?
When you pick a tin of the Zinsser up the weight is initially a concern. On the last canoe I did I applied 2 coats rubbing down each; less than I had on previous jobs. Looking at what ended up on the floor all that was left on the canvas effectively filled the weave so I suspect weighed no more than a traditional filler. I can still remember taking a canvas off my first Chestnut which had the old probably white lead filler and that weighed a ton. For my next canvas job I am going to look at other alternatives to try and keep the weight down further. One benefit of the Zinsser is that it has a mould retardant within it which should help preserve the life of the canvas.