WCHA Website Changes

Dan Miller

Jack of No Trades
Staff member
After twenty-plus years of working on and/or being the web master for the WCHA sites, I am no longer the WCHA webmaster effective this past April 26, 2019. I do not know why the WCHA board has not made any statement about this, but I think it is important that our members who use these Forums and the WCHA web site know this.

During my period of involvement, we have seen the website go from a flat html site populated with "wing-dings" to a sophisticated site that incorporates these Forums, an online store, a Builders and Suppliers Directory, classified ads, and more. I am (mostly) satisfied with what I have accomplished, but it is time for me to move on.

I do not know what the board has in mind with respect to the future of the site or a new potential webmaster. Any questions about this can be directed towards one of the WCHA board members. In the meantime, Benson Gray is very generously acting as interim web master.

All the best,
Let me be the first to thank you for a job well done. Yours is a tough act to follow.


Thanks so much for all your work and efforts on the web site.
As far as I am concerned, the web site is far and away the most useful and valuable benefit of being part of this group.

Hopefully you will have more time to spend with family and time on the water.

BRAVO, Dan, for more than 2 decades of service to the organization. You have been a stalwart for as long as I have been a member, contributing above and beyond.
Thank you, Dan for your awesome job and service to this great organization.


Thanks Dan...you really accomplished a lot for the WCHA. It's worth mentioning that in addition to the work related to the WCHA site you have also collected and shared extremely valuable information that many of us rely upon for reference when researching canoes of all types. You've earned a Bronze Paddle in your service to the WCHA. Hopefully the board will find a replacement for you soon....a well trafficked site must have webmaster/owner.
I second all that has been said above. Dan has done a tremendous job as webmaster and we as members are all better for it.
Thank you Dan.

Jim & Jean
The images below show how the WCHA's web site has changed over the years. The first two images show the original home page and table of contents from 1996. The next two are the same pages from 2005. These two pages were combined in 2007. The 2010 version had a lot more information. The one from 2011 had become very vertical in an attempt to fit everything on the home page. This was replaced in 2017 with the one that we have today. Things have come a long way since the 1990s. It will be interesting to see what the next webmaster comes up with.


WCHA-1996-a.jpg WCHA-1996-b.jpg WCHA-2005-a.jpg WCHA-2005-c.jpg WCHA-2007.jpg WCHA-2010.jpg WCHA-2011.jpg WCHA-2017.jpg
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I have been a member that "floats" in and out but every time I had questions Dan was one of the quickest to reply.
Thanks for a job well done Dan. Hope to meet you in person one day.
Having been out of internet range for some time now, I'm finally back and would like to extend my deepest possible thanks to Dan Miller for his many years of service to the WCHA's website. The Board also extends its sincere thanks. Dan built the current website which went live two years ago, and it has generated some very positive responses. Dan, your service has always been appreciated - service on the website and as editor of Wooden Canoe. These are without question our two most important outputs as an organization, and so excellence in both is key to our continuing success.

Everyone should know that while the WCHA is suffering from declining membership (an aging population and a decline in membership organizations generally), Dan's departure had absolutely nothing do with finances. Anyone who has questions is welcome to contact me directly, or reach out to any other member of the Board of Directors.

A very hearty thank you to Benson Gray for stepping in as interim webmaster. This sudden, unexpected change could have posed serious problems if it weren't for Benson's instant volunteerism. From April 26th on, Benson has carried us through, seamlessly, with enthusiasm and excellence. His deep dedication to the WCHA (now as always) should be an admirable model for us all.

The WCHA website is, as it should be, an evolving means of communication, and the Board is actively working to ensure its longevity and further improvement. Anyone interested in our website's improvement or who wishes to offer significant experience in web design or website maintenance is encouraged to contact the Board and/or Benson Gray with ideas and comments.

Michael Grace
President, WCHA Board of Directors