Some things never change...
"The powers that be in the A.C.A. have settled upon Lake George as the place for the 1888 meet. No matter where the camp is to be held, there are always many members, and more canoeists who are not A.C.A. members, who do not approve of the site, and know that a more popular place could be found. Curiously few of these dissatisfied beings can agree among themselves as to the place. Members and non-members who have never attended a meet usually are the ones who have most to say in criticism of the decisions of the Executive Committee."
from the American Canoeist, November 1887 (Vol. VI No. 11)
"The powers that be in the A.C.A. have settled upon Lake George as the place for the 1888 meet. No matter where the camp is to be held, there are always many members, and more canoeists who are not A.C.A. members, who do not approve of the site, and know that a more popular place could be found. Curiously few of these dissatisfied beings can agree among themselves as to the place. Members and non-members who have never attended a meet usually are the ones who have most to say in criticism of the decisions of the Executive Committee."
from the American Canoeist, November 1887 (Vol. VI No. 11)