For anyone who wants to quit the WCHA and start your own organization, I can tell you it's a lot more work than you think...
You would be much better off from a return on investment perspective to get involved in THIS organization and change the things you don't like.
Just run an Assembly - one time. Take an active role on the Assembly Committee - my wife and I organized the Assembly Program for 5 years I think - and you'll quickly realize that there are far more people who talk about doing something than there are who do something. Hundreds of volunteer hours are required just to manage the Program - not to mention all the rest of the logistics.
Remembers it's an all-volunteer organization, and all of YOU are the volunteers.
There is no group of people consipiring in the dark to decide what happens - these are the Board that YOU elect. They represent a cross section of the WCHA community from the owner and enthusiast to the hobby builder and professional - and all of them can be replaced with a simple vote. Your vote.
Want to change how it works - then volunteer! Run for the Board. Volunteer to serve on a committee. Volunteer to create your OWN NEW committee - that's what I did.
I wanted to see the WCHA on the World Wide Web back when the web was just beginning - hard to believe it was that long ago... There was no money from the WCHA and nothing but resistance from the Board. Few if any of them even had computers at the time, and no one thought there would be any interest in wooden canoes on the Internet.
I brought a mock-up of the website to an Assembly and gave a presentation off my laptop. The College did not have the right equipment to hook my computer up, and I spent the first day scrambling for hardware. I showed what a WCHA website might look like, and some of the things we might do. I was met with skeptism and anything but enthusiasm from all but a small group of members. That was enough though - that glimmer from a few that said this could work.
The WCHA Website was born.
I drafted Benson in the first year, and Dan soon after, to help with the management, content creation and promotion of the site. We've since added Bill to run the Virtual Bookstore, and all of you as adicts

. We know what happens when the site is not available - now. None would have missed it in the early days if I had taken it offline for weeks at a time...
It's been a labor of love - that started with Board tolerance, no Board support and no money.
We decided early on that we would not plaster the website with commercial ads. That meant the first 5 years the site ran well into the red - and I paid the bills out of my own pocket. The site has had years when it's broken even over 12 months, but not lately, and not over it's lifetime.
That does not change the commitment that myself and the other volunteers have to the success of the website and it's continued growth.
We've had Board members tell us that the website is hurting membership. We've had Board members tell us that we are giving away all the knowledge and secrets of the WCHA for free and that we should charge for access to the website.
I believe - and I'm sure that most of you do to - that the website is vital and only works to increase membership and make the lives of our members easier and more productive. Increasing communication to a two-way dialog with prospective new members will only increase membership.
We know it works.
We have the data to prove it - and the Board is now on our side, though there are still skeptics and still stone-throwers among them, as well as among the membership in general.
I expect this. We are a diverse community.
If you want to make change happen in the WCHA - at any level - don't run away and start your own group, that's been done once already with limited if any success.
STEP UP. Volunteer. Figure out how to make your changes part of the WCHA today - and recognize that you will not get your way just because you ask. You have to work at it, like anything else in life. There will be support and there will be skepticism, but if you believe, you can make change happen, and for the better.