U.P. of MI Chapter at the Boat Show

Kathryn Klos

squirrel whisperer
Denis and I are having fun at the annual Boat, Sports and RV show in Marquette. We have on display several types of canoe which are owned by chapter members.

I've found it handy to have this computer here, so I can show folks the website, and made a fellow happy yesterday when we found his canoe on the dragonfly.com site.

I've had Rollin's video of the construction of a w/c running.

Fellow from Maine stopped by. His first canoe at age ten was a 15 foot OT guide that was used for advertising and was painted red on one side and yellow on the other.

Busy Day

It's been very busy at the boat show... and YES, that really IS canvas on the outside of that canoe!

If I sit down, I may not be able to stand up again...
Believe it or Not...

Well, here it is--- the video documenting the event! We were busier than it seems in the video, but I could only film during slower times.

Great fun! Sore from standing on concrete 9 hours straight, but it's what we do for the people and things we love, eh.


Good job

Kathy and Denis

You guys are setting the bar pretty high......great video and you are to be commended for your time and effort.........looks like a lot of folks now know more of about wood canoes and the WCHA because of you both.