Kathryn Klos
squirrel whisperer
Denis and I are having fun at the annual Boat, Sports and RV show in Marquette. We have on display several types of canoe which are owned by chapter members.
I've found it handy to have this computer here, so I can show folks the website, and made a fellow happy yesterday when we found his canoe on the dragonfly.com site.
I've had Rollin's video of the construction of a w/c running.
Fellow from Maine stopped by. His first canoe at age ten was a 15 foot OT guide that was used for advertising and was painted red on one side and yellow on the other.
I've found it handy to have this computer here, so I can show folks the website, and made a fellow happy yesterday when we found his canoe on the dragonfly.com site.
I've had Rollin's video of the construction of a w/c running.
Fellow from Maine stopped by. His first canoe at age ten was a 15 foot OT guide that was used for advertising and was painted red on one side and yellow on the other.