Trying to identify make of old(?) canoe


New Member
We are trying to identify the make of this canoe and possibly ways to preserve it. It is approximately 16’ long. Any information is greatly appreciated!

My guess would be a Kingsbury from the Charles River area outside of Boston. See for a simlar example. There are several books listed at which can help if you want to restore it yourself. The list of restorers at has a variety of options if you want to have someone else take care of it. Feel free to reply here if you have other questions,

Oh, one more question! Do you know where I would look for a serial number? It looks like maybe even this vintage had them?
Do you know where I would look for a serial number?

These are usually on the end of the inside stem. The link below has more details. There are no known serial number records available for Kingsbury. Please post some pictures if you find any numbers.


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Kevin Martin in New Hampshire builds new canoes on the original Kingsbury moulds. He is listed in the Builders Directory referenced by Benson above. He may be a resource for you. You have a great canoe. Good luck with the restoration.
Jim C.