Transom Question


Working on a 1928 16' Old Town AA Sponson Square Stern with only the bottom piece of the transom. It looks as though the canvas was tacked to the transom only up to the top of this piece, then maybe tacked to the outside of the transom and covered with a a trim piece that was shaped to dip in the middle.

Has anyone seen this? Are there any pictures?




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Thanks Benson,

We just finished a 1930 16" AA Square Stern and it had a mahogany transom that the canvas was fastened to, covered by another thinner mahogany transom. The top of the transom(s) were covered with a brass strip.

The 1928 Sponson Square Stern is a different boat; narrower in the stern, not as heavily built. Like the picture in the catalog it has no seat knees, but it does have a canvas covered deck with two part 'V' coaming as shown in he 1928 catalog on the Baby Buzz. The build record is pretty hard to read but doesn't seem to mention the deck. There are two pages of repairs with dates in 1932, 1935, 1937 and 1944 with later owners of Leonard Wickett and HK Graves. If we could read those pages it might be enlightening!


  • 1930 OT AA Square Stern1.JPG
    1930 OT AA Square Stern1.JPG
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    1930 OT AA Square Stern 2.JPG
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If we could read those pages it might be enlightening!

I would encourage you to contact the company and ask them to rescan that paper build record again for you and all of the attached repair records. Please send me a copy if they are successful so I can update my records. I will try to remember to get a copy on my next trip north but they will probably respond sooner. Good luck,

Will this help Stern out of a 1934 old town. Has same tacking detail all around
Top 3" is new wood no tack holes yet. :)
