Thicker Planking needed?

Norm Hein

Canoe Codger
So I am kicking around the idea of building a form to build a new Wood/Canvas. I bought the plans for the 15' Cheemaun from Rollin Thurlow. I plan to use it mostly as a solo. Weighing in at 280 lbs would it be necessary or a good idea to make the ribs and or planking thicker to help support my weight? I guess it would make more sense to loose a few pounds but that's not likely to happen.
I wouldn't think that you would need to do anything with the planking or ribs. The only things that you may consider upgrading may be the inner rails and seats. Making them thicker or out of a stronger wood like ash. But I don't think that would be necessary either.
I have made the inner rails thicker on one of my strippers even though I have never had trouble with it on my other ones. I do make my frame seats a bit heavy.
That's a really nice canoe....
I load up canoes all the time with far more than 280..... I can't imagine that you'll have problems. The Cheemaun has thwarts and carry should be able to handle your weight. You might want to beef up the seat so that it doesn't flex too much and you could consider half ribs. If you are worried about it you might consider talking to Rollin. I'm sure he'd have an opinion.
I tend to over think things sometimes. This type of cane has been around a lot longer than I have and there’s plenty out there to show they’ll hold up. Interesting to think about though.
I tend to over think things sometimes. This type of cane has been around a lot longer than I have and there’s plenty out there to show they’ll hold up. Interesting to think about though.

I was actually thinking about the seat frames.... If you beef up the inside rails you might consider doing the same with the seats. The cane should be fine....look at the seat weave Howie used on the Rushton he just posted pictures of. You could stand on that.
Yeah maybe there is no needed to be concerned about it...... 2 men, 1 moose, 1 motor, rifles and gear. Simply amazing what these crafts can do
The most amazing thing about this photo is that they were able to take a moose without being covered in scent blocking real tree camo with trail cameras and the dizzying array of gadgets that have become the norm.
"The most amazing thing about this photo is that they were able to take a moose without being covered in scent blocking real tree camo with trail cameras and the dizzying array of gadgets that have become the norm."

I dunno Andre'. Check out that high tech birch bark moose call inserted next to the inwale!


(at least that is what I think it is)...