The Sport of Moose Stepping...

Louis Michaud

LOVES Wooden Canoes
Kids today think they invented extreme canoeing... Pooha !!!!




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Moose stepping source

Forgot to mention the source:

Seventh Annual Report of the Game and Fisheries Department of Ontario, 1913

In the old stories related to the BWCA and Quetico, (which is in the Rainy River District) there are regular stories of folks who would step on or even get on and ride a moose while the moose was swiming in a lake.

Thanks for the pic.

That canoe?

:confused: If that pic was taken way back then, can anyone identify the canoe..I concentrated on the narrow ribs and would love to identify who actually made it.

"Life is not measured in the number of strokes we have to paddle, but rather in the joy of the journey." (mine..just made it up!) :)
Blue Viking.

I can’t say for sure, but I suspect one of the following companies likely built this Wide-board Raised Rib & Batten canoe.
Peterborough Canoe Co, Canadian Canoe Co, Strickland & Co, Lakefield Canoe Co, Brown Boat Co, Walter Dean, or the Dey Brothers.

Dick Persson
Headwater Wooden Boat Shop
thanks Dick;
Reason I inquired is that I saw some pics on here somewhere of a canoe that is being built on that exact style using 1/2 round oak pieces for his wide strip planking canoe....Now I know that his idea isnt original;) Not taking anything away from the gentleman. Just shows that the brain is still working!
Going to use that quotation I made up as my slogan from now on...its appropriate for me!
Moose Dismount

The pic i'd really like to see is the one of the guy getting dismounted upon the mooses reaching shore!