A little over a year ago member Ken Kendall contacted me about redoing an Old Town ten foot Trapper that he had picked up. At that point I was between projects and looking for a challenge. I've built several canoes and did one fairly easy repair on my Peterbourgh low profile Champlain. Ken Brought the canoe over and it looked pretty rough. According to the build record it was built in Dec. 1943 and delivered to the YWCA in Akron Ohio. Apparently it had led a pretty hard life and been badly abused. Someone had done the usual fiberglass job on it. I started on the project just after the 2012 Assembly having picked up most of what I would need from Rollin and Scott Barkdall at the Assembly. The more I got into it the worse things looked. It definitely lived up to the challenge I was looking for. Since it had steel tacks, all of them had to be replaced in the small area where I was able to use the original planking. It's finally almost complete. I just have to install the brass stem bands and the reproduction Old Town decals.
Over the past year I have kept a photo diary of the job. Rather than post here, here's a link to my Flickr site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/93034634@N03/sets/72157633246959498/
Ken has not seen the canoe yet and I'm waiting until it is all finished to contact him. The last time I spoke to him he said he wanted to put a red cross on the canoe to tie it in to the Akron YWCA. I found a nifty WWII vintage red cross decal about 4 inches by 4 inches. It has a a red cross with the sexiest pinup nurse you've ever seen in front of the red cross. I'm going to let Ken decide whether he wants it installed, but if it were my canoe it would be a no brainer.
Over the past year I have kept a photo diary of the job. Rather than post here, here's a link to my Flickr site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/93034634@N03/sets/72157633246959498/
Ken has not seen the canoe yet and I'm waiting until it is all finished to contact him. The last time I spoke to him he said he wanted to put a red cross on the canoe to tie it in to the Akron YWCA. I found a nifty WWII vintage red cross decal about 4 inches by 4 inches. It has a a red cross with the sexiest pinup nurse you've ever seen in front of the red cross. I'm going to let Ken decide whether he wants it installed, but if it were my canoe it would be a no brainer.