Temporary repair


Too Many Hobbies
Hi All,

Looking for a little advice. I've got a 1030's Shell Lake. It's in fair condition, but needs a recanvasing and a little rot repair. At some point in its life it was fiberglassed.

The Keel had a some rot to it, so I removed it and am making a new keel for it. Since I am new to wood canoes, here is my question. What do I use to seal the keel to the hull. I want to be able to reuse the keel when the time comes to recanvas. I thought I could use a marine caulk that stays flexible, or even silicone. Any thoughts? I want to keep it simple.

Thanks. I love this sight!

Use a bedding compound like Interlux Boatyard Bedding Compound or Dolphinite.

You want something that remains flexible, allows for the parts to be seperated later on, and is paintable. Both of these products fit the bill. Never, ever, ever, let anything that contains silicone near your canoe!