Stem shape

David Satter

Wooden Canoe Maniac
Wasn't there a canoe co. That the outside stems were rounded rather than having squared off flat sides to them?
We're talking about cross sectional shape, correct? If you cut a typical outside stem in cross section, its shape would be a trapezoid. The kind of stems I think you're referring to are what I call "chubby" because the two outside faces are ovoid - thicker in the middle and narrower where the stem meets the inner stem and where it meets the stemband. If this is what you mean, then yes, this outside stem shape is commonly seen on canoes from at least some of the Charles River-area builders. Right now I'm looking at a Robertson that has them, and also a Brodbeck that has them.

I'm also looking at a ca. 1918 Morris that has them. I don't recall ever seeing this feature on an all-wood canoe (I'm looking at a Willits and a Lakefield right now; both trapezoidal). I'm also looking at trapezoidal outside stems on a 1916 OT Otca. However, I recently removed outside stems from a 1914 AA-grade double-gunwale Old Town and a 1923 Molitor - if I remember correctly, both of these have "chubby" outside stems. I'll have to re-check when I can get back to these two canoes.
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Thanks, Yes now I remember , it was a 1914 Morris I did years ago. But that's interesting that so many others were built like that. yes they seemed chubby. I'm trying to identify a canoe that seems to have one. I'll put up a photo when I can. I always ask the customer first before I start posting photos of their canoe.