Stem Band

Rod Tait (Orca Boats)

As with how many coats of paint, I have also wondered how many people are painting over the brass stem bands on their canoes. Most of the canoes that come into the shop they are painted over and I know that some stem bands need to be bedded in compound since the ends of the canoe is not that smooth anymore due to bad planking and some damage and the band will not lay smooth against the hull anymore. So simple survey. How many of you are bedding the stem band on and painting over it? Most of my customers really like the shiny stem band showing.
Bedding in dolfinite, yes. Painting over, No. I also like the shiny brass. TM..
Unfortunately we can not get Dolphinite in Canada so we are stuck with the goo out of tubes, which I seem to have good luck getting everywhere. So I just add a bit to the holes so no leaking but his sometimes leaves gaps behind stem band. When I bed the whole thing, cleaning off and touching up paint becomes a real pain.