Some varnish is not drying


Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes
1927 Old Town CR.

I used Captains Clear Wood Sealer or ribs and planks that had been treated with hot linseed oil probably three months ago. Four days ago I put on the first coat of Captains varnish. The varnish over the decks and gunwales and new ribs dried as I would expect and I put on a second coat on them already. As of today there are still patches of tacky varnish on the original ribs and planks. Mostly down on the horizontal parts from what I have seen. Today it was much better but still not perfect. My impulsiveness took over and I second coated the interior tonight. Any idea why only those areas were behaving like that? My one thing that I missed on perhaps was that I did not thin the first coat in any way.
A guess would be that the new wood had open grain, therefore the linseed oil penetrated and dried. Older wood, even stripped, probably is somewhat more sealed, thereby not allowing the oil to penetrate. try wiping with mineral spirits, let dry well (maybe some heat from a gun or hair dryer) then add a touch of Japan Dryer to your varnish. Good luck.
Thanks for the reply. I waited another day or so till it got to the point I could at least scuff the tacky areas and covered it again. It currently has three coats of regular varnish and will get maybe one more in the higher traffic areas and then a coat or two of satin. Thanks for all the help everyone!
You mention that the slow drying varnish is mainly "down on the horizontal parts", which I assume means the bottom of the upright canoe. I've had this problem. You probably do your varnishing in a quiet location with little air movement - a good idea when varnish is tacky, particularly if there is dust around. But the solvent vapors put off by the curing varnish are heavier than air, thus get trapped and seem to inhibit drying. I find that setting up gentle circulation with a fan after the varnish has tacked up will fix the problem. Probably turning the boat over would help, too.
Don in Vermont
Thanks. The shop I am using does indeed have a ceiling fan and I put it into use and kept it on when I would leave. That may have factored greatly in the problem clearing up.
HI cwfrench read pam wedds section on varnishing @ bearwood canoes I thing she said to hang a light bulb in the bottom of the canoe it helps the varnish kick good luck I am at the oil part of my restore.JonK