I'm heading out June 11 on another trip with my 18' 1925 Otca. I decided to revarnish the inside, gunwales and deckplates prior to this trip. There were some scratches on the latter two, a few spots on the ribs with bare wood showing through, etc., so it was time.
My questions is about the final few steps before varnishing (I'll be using Z-Spar Captains Varnish, 1st coat 1:1 with thinner, then 3:1, then two more coats at 9:1). Very few spots on the ribs are sanded to bare wood, a little bit more on the planks, and the decks and gunwales mostly have the shine knocked off. Is there any point in going first with a linseed oil / turpentine mix between the ribs, or should I just start the whole thing with my first coat of varnish/thinner?
Also, prior to applying varnish or any other mixture, so most of you just vacuum well and wipe down with thinner or do you use tack cloth?
Looking forward to getting your wisdom!