Signs of Spring?

3 Coast Guard Ice breakers in the Kennebec River in Maine is breaking the bay ice for the eventual breakup of the river ice and the Saco in North Conway, NH broke loose and massive Ice jams all along it...YUP.....its coming....:D
Let me know when your coming back to Maine Denis, but dont make it next week! Still cant see 7 of my canoes out there buried in the snow and more is falling right now! Only 3 I can find are in one side of the garage.:(
Don't think we will be getting that far East. At least not this spring. Have to go to New Jersey and Penn. to pick up a couple of canoes this spring. Maybe next fall. We'll let you know if we are going and when. Tuesday I leave for Bolivia with daughter #1 to visit daughter #2 who is in the Peace Corps. :)
Another sure sign of spring...

The view from my office window... and yes, that is an ice fisherman out there...


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On the walk this morning I saw (mostly heard) killdeer and saw some Great Blue Herons.
Snow forcasted for tonight, but hope to get the canoe to the water on the weekend.
Earthworms on the pavement this morning.... at 38 degreesF, they're prety sluggish, so even I can catch them... now where's my bait bucket?

The view from my office window

Dan, since I see you've still got the thrill rides booth open, how much to stand on the bow of the ship and lean forward doing that Titanic thing?:p
Miss that Harbour Inn breakfast......
We had 1.55inches of rain yesterday... that's RAIN, not SNOW! AND the temp hit 60degreesF.

3 or 4 weeks back, I heard a radio report that this is the snowiest winter we've had since 1927. And that was a couple snowdumps ago.... so the rain was welcome, and washed away a lot of the snowpiles. It even melted some of the pond ice...
Now we know spring is here, we got 7" of snow last night, along with the promise that it would be melted by the end of the weekend.

Summer is coming.

Sandhill Cranes/Spring

The 6 Sandhill Cranes that visit my place religiously arrived the day before a 12" dump of snow here. That was 8 days ago, haven't seen them since. Very disappointing.
Yesterday we finally got to 60 deg. with rain and wind.

Last night we had a thunder storm!
April Fool's Day Prank

Attaching pictures of the snowstorm that took out the power here for several hours... however, the first chipmunk ventured out today, to feed on corn.



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Another spring sign.My friends Mike and Jodi just got home from their annual winter trip to Mexico.
Fishing season opened here today in Maine....Saw two guys sliding a 40 foot section of thin tubing out under the ice.then yank it back, and that left the hook and bait out there...Legal way to fish in Maine...:D
Common loons on one of the lakes here, one even gave the famous caterwalling call that makes them so easy to identify.