serial number 3187-17


New Member
I am interested in find some information on an old town canoe. The canoe is in good condition. The Serial Number is 3187-17. Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Please check both stems and compare the serial numbers. Old Town canoes have the serial number on both stems. A picture of your canoe would also help. The serial number 3187 is very low and is in a series of serial numbers that isn't complete (my records skip from 3185 to 3193). A canoe of this age (over 100 years) may have had a lot of work done on it, if it's in very good condition... or it's one of those "time capsule" canoes that spent 80 years in a barn. Or you may be missing a digit in the serial number... or the canoe isn't Old Town.

We'd expect a canoe of this age to have closed gunwales... and you wouldn't see the diamond head bolts typical of Old Town canoes after 1920. Anyway, a picture would help.... I'm not saying you don't have Old Town 3187... just saying I can't find the record for that one, and if you possibly have a different canoe from a later period, the record is likely to exist.

Here are some pictures of the canoe

Any help identifying it is greatly appreciated.
Thanl You.


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It looks like a very nice canoe. My guess is that this is from a Charles River area builder. Is there any sign of a decal, name plate, or nail holes on the bow deck? Can you post a larger picture of that area? Thanks,

Addtiional pictures of 3187-17

These are some additional pictures of the bow and stern. I will get better pictures this weekend.
There is no nameplate on the canoe. The only markings are the serial numbers stamped the bow and stern.
Thanks again


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Hi "nickoftime",

You've posted all over the place so it's hard to know where to respond, but yes, this is a C.P. Nutting. The decks are one of the diagnostic features, but Nutting used multiple styles of deck. This is one of several. Nutting canoes are similar to those of other Charles River-area builders, including the un-tapered ribs (same with in the floor as at their ends). Another feature of Nutting and some of the other area builders is the use of a chamfer on the bottom inside of the inwale that tapers out to nothing at each of the locations of the thwarts and seats frames. You may see in some photos in Nutting threads a 1/2" or so gold stripe just under the sheer line that follows the sheer to the ends - this is a typical paint scheme from Nuttings (at least it occurs on a number of them but not, to my recollection, on others.

Hope this is of interest.