Hi Greg,
You've come to the right place to get support in the restoration of your canoe. If you post pictures, we may be able to determine who built the canoe, or at least suggest possibilities. Records exist for only a few of the old canoe companies; these records connect the serial number to an original build record. I have copies of the scans of Old Town and Carleton's records, but 2013 is too low... the scanned records start above that number.
A four-digit serial number suggests [for instance] the possibility of Charles River builders... but unless we see pictures, it's impossible to know.
Catalogs for many of the old canoe companies exist and provide information that can help with restoration. The greatest amount of help, however, comes from the folks who post here and those who are involved in the local chapters of WCHA. It's sometimes possible to find a member who lives nearby and has a shop, who is willing to help in-person. Chapters will do things as a group. And "we" here in Forums are many eyes and minds and many years of combined experience...
A good way to begin restoration is to get hold of a copy of "The Wood and Canvas Canoe" by Stelmok and Thurlow. There are other books, too... and videos-- including some on YouTube-- which can be helpful.
Restoration supplies are available from several sources... here is a link from our main page:
http://wcha.org/build_restore.php. An advantage of a nearby WCHA chapter is that [for instance] you may need a certain length of spruce for outwales, and somebody in the group has exactly that-- or knows a nearby source.
Wood-type questions can be answered by posting pictures... or sometimes by asking, "what works" (or doesn't). Restoration depends on what you have, canoe-wise, and what you want to do with it--- in general, WCHA members restore, build, and use their canoes... and when it comes to restoration, the degree to which you restore [preserve] is up to you... but there are some fairly concrete do's and don'ts [such as "pleeeeze don't replace canvas with fiberglass"].
I hope this helps--- and others will chime-in--- and we'll all be looking forward to pictures of your canoe