Book Shelf

fred capenos

Canoe Pilot
We posted a thread a while back about a canoe we picked up that had been cut in half. It was on it's way to becoming bookshelves. I started working on it last November and it is starting to look like a canoe again. Not only had it been cut in half , it was also left in a field where large animals put holes in it, and it was rotted so bad that most of it will be new. We hope to have it done by assembly time. Here are a few pics of the progress. Fred


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Well done Fred

quite a challenging project and looks awesome.
So, 17'? 18'.
Do you know the maker?
Regards, Dave.

Nice work as usual! By the way I found this pair of old canoe decks and I was wondering. . . .

Thank's for the kind words everyone. I have had a great deal of fun doing this project. However, it nags me to know that it is no longer the same canoe. Or is it? It will have apx.50% original stems, 80% of the deck's, three thwart's and 14 ribs that have new tips on them. In spite of the lack of a form, and my ineptness, at this point, it is laser straight, fair.and has the same rocker as the 1917 OTCA I used to bend ribs on. Here's some more shots. Fred
Opps, Here they are!


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Douglas Ingram said:
Is there anything actually left of the original canoe? Doesn't look like much!

Looked like just the thwarts and decks to me! :) Very inspirational.

Makes you wonder how canoe restorers don't all have a God complex.
After all, He's the only other fellow I can think of that could make something so beautiful out of a single rib.