Your S/N is 5 63 4 253. (month - year - code "4" for double end canoe - canoe number)
It was built in 1963, and started in May, and is double canoe # 253, this is the 191st canoe Joe built.
It was originally bought by Sommers Canoe base and was their 70th Seliga.
Not much is entered for this canoe relative to wood species and construction methods.
And if fact, if you could provide a description and/or pics that would help in nearing down when Joe did things. ie, what width planking, what is the shape of the edge of the decks, does it still have a decal, if so, which one, what wood species is the trim. etc.
This is a good example of the difficulty in "reading" Joe's S/N's, without the Record to looks at.
The numbers "5834253" don't match any S/N in the record.
Wrong possiblities are:
5 83 4 253 - wrong because in 1983 the code for the month is last and the "4" was dropped.
5 83 425 3 - wrong because there are 2 month codes, which Joe didn't do.
Note: a real S/N that is close is 83 465 3.
58 3 4 253 - also wrong because in 1958 a code for the month (3) was not included and because Joe never put the month code between the year and canoe number.