Rushton Indian Girl #3020


Beginner Canoeist
Hi All,

I wanted to share with everyone pics of our latest find. We finally got a Rushton Indian Girl, serial #3020, home today. Pics can be seen here:

This has been a drama that has played out for several months as the seller originally didn't want to part with it. It is going to need significant work as it has been fiberglassed, and was put outdoors this summer. The gunwales are shot as are the decks. I am going to be asking lots of questions on this one.

First question is any idea of the vintage? It is a "Inc" marked canoe.
We noticed it has what appears to be copper heart shape covers on the decks, is this something normal to this model or just someones custom touch?
Rushton incorporated in 1906, and they were up to about serial number 2300 at that time. About 5500 were made in all into through 1916/17.

The copper deck cover is a user addition, probably to cover up rotted tips.


Thank You for the info on the serial number range, so guessing early teens would be a reasonable assumption.

The decks are definitley shot. I don't know why, but when whoever glassed it, they left off the outer gunwales. I'm going to have to figure out dimensions on those too.

Does anyone have any recommendations for reference materials? I have seen the Rushton book by Manley and am waiting for a copy of the Crowley book to come in to our library.

The Manley book is the essential Rushton history resource. A number of catalog reprints are available through the WCHA Store, as is the Historic Canoe Catalog Collection CD-Rom, which includes a number of Rushton catalogs. The October 2011 issue of Wooden Canoe has an extensive article on Rushton, and part 2 of this article will be in the December 2011 issue. Hallie Bond's "Boats and Boating in the Adirondacks" is also a good reference.

And, of course, these forums.
Ok, will definitely have to order a copy of the Manley book and look into the others. The October article was great, I am looking very forward to part 2. Great timing too!
Hi JASON. congratulations on your Rushton. I am fortunate to have IG 3250, a 15 footer. I don't have any hardware at all unfortunately, but I also don't have any 'glass on mine so I'm glad for that. I suspect you are not too far from me.
Started removing some of the fiberglass from the rails today. What did I learn? Fiberglass is a curse! Fortunately it doesn't seem like it was put on well, but it is slow going. Discovered a couple broken ribs next to one another, guess that explains the aluminum brace. Going to guess that that was a side that canoe was stored on. So far the rib tips seem to be decent which is surprising given the level of rot in the rails, is that normal to find? Should I worry about the hull relaxing as I pull the glass and there are basically no rails to speak of?
very interested to hear of your progress. I have an 17' IG coming back to life now. I have some atlantic white cedar if you need to repair the planking when the glass comes off...been there done that.
Minimal progress as of right now. I looked at pictures of yours, looks like you are moving right along. I appreciate the offer on the cedar, I believe I'll be needing some.