Need Pics & Info On A 15' Rushton Indian (not Indian Girl)


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
A few days ago I heard word of a canoe that may be a 15' Rushton Indian - NOT Indian Girl, just Indian. This is the model with canvas. I'm still trying to positively ID the canoe. So, is there somebody out there that can send me some pictures of an Indian? I'm especially interested in pics showing the decks & seats, as well as pics of the canoe without the canvas.
Hello Howie, Yes the canoe that I have is a Rushton canvas Indian. I am in the process of restoring it and still have the canvas off and am finishing the woodworking end of things. The key identifiers of the Indian are the splayed oak or elm stem, cherry heart shaped decks, cherry thwarts, closed white oak gunnels that are attached from the inside, square pockets for the 1" rib tops, a protruding stem tip above the decks, narrow 2 3/8" planking and a wide top plank at the decks. Mine did not come with original seats, but the seats were placed in the original holes for proper placement. Here are a few pics that I have on hand, but let me know what you want and I can take more for you or take measurements etc. Joe

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Ok... Thanks.
Say - would you please have a look at my thread a few days ago titled 'Can Someone Help Identify This Canoe?' - do the pics look anything like your canoe?