I am in the process of stripping my 1924 OT Otca. I too am pressure washing as I go. I divide my canoe into 5 basic sections - stern to seat, seat to thwart, center section, center to bow seat, and bow section. I HEAVILY spray the first section which I will scrape clean, the other sections get a lighter spray just to loosen things up. I let it sit 15 minutes and start to scrape and wipe with steel wool. Then I pressure wash the WHOLE canoe lightly with a delicate nozzle. Then I move on to the next section and start the whole process over again. After doing the whole canoe it looks pretty good. I will do another round again in the next couple days. I did have two areas where I cut into the planking, but they are getting replaced anyways. It was my carelessness more than the pressure washer's fault. With the delicate nozzle it is fairly effective and low risk of damaging the canoe. I have found this an effective process which helps to reduce my scraping effort. It is still a nasty, long process which I cannot wait to be over.
Good luck with your project.