Pics in classifieds


WCHA Member #7902
I can only seem to upload one picture in my classified add-it would be better if I could show a few different views, any suggestions? Thanks,
The classified software package that we are using does limit you to a single image. This package was selected when disk space was much more expensive than it is now. You can use an image editor to combine several smaller images into single large one or you can include a link to another web site that contains as many images and other additional information as you choose. The other alternaitve is to simply suggest that more pictures are available upon request. Let me know if this doesn't answer your question or if you have a better suggestion.

classified pics

Hi, BENSON. My computer will not show pics offered for a classified add. Any
idea why . This is new to me. Kind regards, Dave DeVivo
Hi Dave,

You do need to click on the image icon but the browser settings may also prevent this. Do you have the same problems on more than one PC?

pics in classified and elsewhere

Thanks for your reply, Benson. All pics will not come up regardless of the category. I understand Dave McDaniel has the same problem. Any ideas ?
KInd regards, and hope to see you at the Assembly. Dave DeVivo
Try using the links at and to let me know if you see the picture of a sailing dinghy. These pictures are not linked to the index pages and can only be accessed at the individual advertisements from the camera icon under the "Click on icon below to see full size photo with this ad" message.

I do plan to attend the Assembly this year and hope to see you again there.

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