peterborough gunwales


LOVES Wooden Canoes
Hi guys,I have been doing a bit of reading of old forums and found a few threads stating the otanobee had mahogany gunwales. my otanobee 1433 2990 has spruce,would this have been different years or an option(like a guides model) When I finish replacing a couple ribs and the deck plates(ash) I will leave the origanal spruce inwales and use ash for outwales
Peterborough also made a high end Champlain, which is basically like an Otonabee, but isn't.

When Peterborough used Spruce inwales, they usually used Spruce outwales as well. When they used Ash outwales, the inwales were usually Ash as well.

In the catalog, the Otonabee is specifically stated as having all Mahogany trim.