Penobscot Canoe Serial Number


LOVES Wooden Canoes
Good Morning!! I'm going to see a Penobscot canoe tomorrow night, pretty sure about the id as the decks have the spearpoint detail, are there serial numbers stamped anywhere on a Penobscot?? Is there a serial number database available anywhere??? Thanks, Todd
Dragonfly site

Hi Todd-

This is the first place I check for information about the different companies and builders:

He refers you to Sue Audette's book and to the catalog CD as well. You might also try using "search" on this discussion board to see what comes up.

Old Town, Carleton, and Kennebec are the only canoe companies for which records exist that will connect a specific serial number to an original build record, but some builders put information in the serial number that allows us to figure out the model or date or something else. The more boats that are found, the more we may be able to add to this information. Share pictures and other details! We learn from each other and add to the overall body of knowledge this way.

Congratulations on your find!

thanks kathy, i appreciate your response. If anyone else has information regarding my question I would appreciate it, I am going to see this boat tomorrow, and would like as much information as possible. Thanks Again! Todd