Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
I am in the middle of stripping a PY Rainbow and notice that when the finish is removed the inwales appear to be oak or ash. Definitely not mahogany. Yet the seats, thwarts, and outwales certainly are mahogany. Before I started stripping all the wood was quite dark, yet when stripped the wood is the normal cedar colors. This suggests that the woods weren't stained but instead the varnish had a 'mahogany' stain added to it - like today's Minwax Polyshade product. This stain might also help hide the difference between ash & mahogany grain appearance.
Have others noticed this on Penn Yans? Makes sense: They'd make all the canoes the same except for the trim woods. If someone ordered fancier woods they'd slap on the tinted varnish to make everything match (sort of).
Have others noticed this on Penn Yans? Makes sense: They'd make all the canoes the same except for the trim woods. If someone ordered fancier woods they'd slap on the tinted varnish to make everything match (sort of).