Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
Another Penn Yan Rainbow completed. This one is a 17 footer, serial # RCS-263. The canoe was in rather ugly shape when the owner brought it to me - the usual damage at the tips plus a heavy fiberglass job. But all the rib tips were in excellent shape, no broken ribs, and unbroken inwales. And mahogany decks & thwarts. Removing the fiberglass left a lot of scars but happily you'd never know it by looking at the canvas. Seats, outwales, keel, and external stems are all mine.
Interestingly, this Rainbow did not have half-ribs. And while it did have external stems they were smaller than I've seen before and were covered by the canvas - that is, I found no hint of canvas underneath them when I removed them.
FYI, I accept no blame for the canoe's color! It was chosen by the owner who will later add paint 'blobs' to make into a camo pattern a-la Desert Storm.

Interestingly, this Rainbow did not have half-ribs. And while it did have external stems they were smaller than I've seen before and were covered by the canvas - that is, I found no hint of canvas underneath them when I removed them.
FYI, I accept no blame for the canoe's color! It was chosen by the owner who will later add paint 'blobs' to make into a camo pattern a-la Desert Storm.