Need Penn Yan seat screws! And a case of missing screw holes...


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
Just picked up a Penn Yan Rainbow (RN51277). The poor thing has had a hard life & it's my job to restore it. The thwarts are there, but it's missing seats and screws. I can make the seats easy - the screws are another matter. Anybody want to part with 8 Frearson 12-24 flat heads?
BYW, one odd thing. The inwales (they sure look original) have no holes for the screws! And there is no indication the seats used to be screwed in from the sides. What gives? Did Penn Yan ever sell canoes without seats?
2013-12-03 15.15.42.jpg 2013-12-03 15.15.29.jpg
Many times, summer camps (scouts, boys', girls', etc.) would order canoes without seats. Their typical canoe-skills training taught paddling from the kneeling position. So that is one possible explanation for the lack of seats in your canoes.

Of course, any individual could special order a canoe sans seats, as well.
Brass Phillips head screws are more likely to be available. If you don't tell, no one will ever know the difference.
You may find what you need with an internet search....
Gil has a great body would ever know!!

A word to the wise... USE Frearson drivers when dealing with Frearson (Reed & Prince) drive systems. Phillips is close but true Frearson drivers work soooo much better.

Side note.... I worked in the fastener industry for 30 years. From a manufacturing standpoint, we hated that drive system. Tooling to form the Frearson recess just did not have much life causing lots of scrap and downtime. I don't recall any redeeming qualities. I guess it shows with the fact that the drive system never became very popular.
The Penn Yan Carry Canoe I am restoring did not have seats either. My Grandfather was a Red Cross water instructor and taught the 'Proper' way of paddling. I believe I'll put in a pair of seats for most of my paddling and perhaps remove them for special occasions.