Painting Canvas


WCHA Member #7902
Does anyone have guidlines for applying paint (Kirby's marine) over the filler? It has been mild in Ithaca, NY recently, but want to make sure it's not too cold. I don't want to screw up the paint job if it turns cold. How many coats with sanding in between? Would it be best to wait 'till spring just to be safe?
Best advice I can give it to call Kirby's - they have been super helpful and are more than happy to answer questions. You will probably talk to George K the 4th!

I'm in New Jersey and am planning to use Kirby paint this weekend. I"m going to be in the garage(no heat). I called them about the temperature at this time of year and they said it would just take longer to dry, and apply thin coats, but not a problem. I'll see you at the 2006 assembly. We'll have the 18 foot Old Town painted in gray/green color. I wouldn't try this in Feburary . Good luck Ed
I had to cut my Kirbys with Penetrol ans it was still a bit thick and showed brush marks. I sanded between coats and after 4 coats was still not happy.

The problem was *not* Kirbys paint which is excellent.

The problem was some "orange peel" in my filler and not thinning the Kirbys enough. To do over again I would be more painstaking about sanding the filler to fair and would have used more penetrol. IIRC, Kirbys gave me a suggested penetrol/paint blend but it was still too thick.

The good news is that all of this can be rectified by sanding but after 4 coats I just didn't have the will. It turned out good but not perfect. In the future I will use a compressed air sprayer like most of the production canoe houses.