Ot sn 35494

Timothy Eaton

Curious about Wooden Canoes
Looking for a clear, crisp copy of the build record. The copy I have is eligible .

Also would like to know the seat-fastener details used with the close cap gunwales. Were the bolts counter sunk and plugged like early models with open gunwales? Is replacement hardware matching the original specs available and where. If not, what size bolts, diameter and length were used in the bow and stern seats and for the thwarts.

Thanks for any, and all information
The best copy of your record that we have available can be seen at http://forums.wcha.org/showthread.php?t=3251 and is attached below. You can send $3 to Old Town for part number 01.1332.0100 as shown at http://oldtown.wcha.org/parts.html and they may be willing to make another copy of the original build record for you.

The bolts used on Old Town's closed gunwale canoes were simply placed under the rail cap and not counter sunk with plugs. See the pictures at http://forums.wcha.org/showthread.php?t=3968 for an example. The messages at http://forums.wcha.org/showthread.php?t=3298 have a good summary about these bolts. Some one else may be able to supply more specific information about the size, diameter, and length.



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