Old Town Ser # Search

Russell Dyer

Curious about Wooden Canoes
I would like information on an Old Town Canoe Ser # 104574 and On an Old Town Boat ser# ox11756.

Thank you in advance,

Russell Dyer
Ot #104574


Thank you for your inquiry. I found the canoe which was shipped on May 7, 1930 to Maine. It was built as an 18' Guide in CS (common sense) grade with open spruce gunwales, no keel and the original color was dark green. Build record attached.

The boat you mention has me confused with the OX prefix...I checked the 11756 and that comes up as a 16' Charles River canoe, maybe I'm missing something. When Benson or Dan come on they can probably be more help...but it's a start.

All the best,

Ric Altfather


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Old Town Ser# Search

Thank you for the information.
The boat with ser# ox11756 Belongs to a friend of mine. I have not seen the boat,it may not be an Old Town.

Russ Dyer