Old Town Otca Ser.#


Curious about Wooden Canoes

I've recently inherited an Old Town "Otca". I'd appreciate any historical light you can shine on serial# 121539 16. The canoe appears to be in original untouched condition. There are four wooden blocks attached to the centerline of the floor with "butterfly" fasteners on each. I assume they held some sort of floor grate.? Any sources on restoration material would be helpful. Thanks!
Ot 121539


Welcome to the WCHA forum!

The OTCA you inquire about is actually a "Yankee" in CS (common sense) grade with spruce gunwales and oak seats, thwarts and decks. It was originally shipped to Devon, CT., on July 12, 1937. The canoe was built with a keel, floor rack and had a design #40. If you don't think this is your canoe, double check the SN at both ends of the canoe, on the top of the stem. The build record and the design are attached for your comparison.

If not already a member, please consider joining the WCHA to help support this and other services for the preservation of the wood/canvas canoe. You ask about advice for restoration...well here you will get it! The builders, restorers and those who have done it are all here. You can also check in the local chapter listings and depending on where you are located you could get local help.

Let us know if we can help further...

Ric Altfather


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Old Town "Yankee"


Thanks much for your incredibly quick response!!!

I am thrilled to be a new member of the WCHA and look forward to a long association!

You were right on the money with the description of my canoe. I'm really psyched about restoring this piece of canoe history. I've owned a "Grand Laker" built in Grand Lake Stream, ME since 1990 and purchased a copy of "The Wood / Canvas Canoe" by Stelmok and Thurlow. Any reccomendations as to further reading before I get started?

Thanks so much again for the great info and have a safe and happy Labor Day!


You already have a great start with Jerry & Rollin's book and using this Forum. Other materials are featured in the on line Store. Under articles, there is a set of three reprints from " Wooden Canoe", Walt Simmons book on "Repair" and others. Local Chapters and this Forum will be your best tools!

Good luck and post pic's as you progress.
