handsome is right!
What a great canoe! The trim is bird's eye maple! Not just the decks, but the thwarts and seat frames. Color is auto gray. I can't make out the destination either.... [something]dale.
The Ideal was Old Town's fancy upgraded canoe, and the person who ordered this one had it further-upgraded with the bird's eye maple trim. Catalogs state that AA grade is mahogany or bird's eye maple, but this is the first time I've seen "BE Maple" on a build record.
As Norm said, the Ideal had open gunwales, which were "ideal" structurally and also for maintaining the canoe (easier to dump water out).
The Ideal model is an AA grade Charles River with open gunwales and half ribs. This one also has outside stems... and that bird's eye maple trim.
Please post pictures of this canoe. Old bird's eye can be very very lovely... gets little black outlines on the eyes. What a treat.