Old Town 16 foot 17504 8 16


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Have an old Town i think 16 foot . serial number 17505 8 16. ( I had this info but lost it .)

I am interested in any information but am trying to figure out what the wood used for the inner and outer gunwales
i s. It looks like mahogany which i see was used In the " more expensive canoes .
while spruce was also used
Also . If someone has ideas about the stem wood.
as mentioned in another thread, I need to scarf in about 4 inches on the stems and about 9 inches on the Bow Gunwals and 5 inches o n the stern .

Thanks in advance

Doug .

Found the original post !!! Thanks , but still questions about the gunwales . I They do not look like spruce.
But it is not given on the order slip .
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A big help would be a photo that shows the color and grain of the gunwale wood; same with the stem. It's really hard to tell what the wood is when the only information we have is what it is not.

Pictures of the seat frames and thwarts could also help; if mahogany was used, it was often also used for those items.
By the time your canoe was built (1965), Old Town had abandoned the multi-grade system (i.e. CS, AA and GS grades), and instead built all their canoes in one grade, with spruce inwales, mahogany outwales, ash or oak stems, and decks, seats and thwarts of native hardwoods.
Hi, everyone.
The Canoe , (thanks to the ID ers) is a 16 Foot Old town Guide model from the 60s. as mentioned before i need to scarf in a piece I one the inwall where it meets the Stem . I am wondering if anyone has a picture of that specific joint , (at the tip where the stem, inwall outwall, deck, all meet.)
I have some ideas how it should match up but that area is rotted out just enough to confuse the situation as I match the new wood and joint.
I am wondering if anyone has a picture of that specific joint , (at the tip where the stem, inwall outwall, deck, all meet.)

The picture attached below shows this joint on an Otca from 1970. This junction didn't change much over the years so Eric Beeby's documentation of the restoration of his Guide at http://www.wcha.org/Beeby-canoe/intro.html may also help. Let us know if this doesn't answer your question and good luck with the restoration,



  • 1970-182616.jpg
    86.2 KB · Views: 523
See knowledge base above, build and restore, for Treewaters guide to performing this exact same repair.