canoe id

  1. HudsonRiver

    25 foot Wood Frame Canoe need ID- Help Identify? Photos attached

    We have been offered this canoe. What is it? Age , brand, any info would be appreciated. Have not found any identifiers as of yet. Thanks for the help. It is 25 feet long, wood frames and gunnels
  2. I

    New Member - SN Info

    New member. Looking for info on an Old Town 17'+/-, dark green. Hull number XTC05094M75G. Any info would be helpful.
  3. D

    Old Town 16 foot 17504 8 16

    Have an old Town i think 16 foot . serial number 17505 8 16. ( I had this info but lost it .) I am interested in any information but am trying to figure out what the wood used for the inner and outer gunwales i s. It looks like mahogany...