Not shelves...

Howard Caplan

Wooden Canoe Maniac
Watching the DIY TV the other day, they were doing some landscape work. They cut the aluminum canoe in half to make two stand up supports to hang a hammock from. Being in need of two supports for a hammock and having an unused, old, thwarts all rotted, overweight and totally unpaddelable fiberglass canoe in my possession - it got me to thinking...
Would this be an acceptable use?
I can't come up with any reason why not to do this... In fact, I have a 'glass canoe in only slightly better shape than you describe... Hhhhmmmmm
It seems like using other materials might be a bit more pleasing to the eye, and maybe easier to work with too.

Dan Lindberg said:
It seems like using other materials might be a bit more pleasing to the eye, and maybe easier to work with too.


You mean like maybe an old wooden canoe? :eek:

Ducking and Running!
Lawn Art

These fibre-glass kayaks I built 40 years ago for my kids. They served us long and well before age and the sun made them too risky to use. They deserved better than the humiliation of being hauled to the dump. They are installed proudly in my front yard to be enjoyed for years to come. The paddle/sign behind the flowers reads: "The Endo."

I will never have a wood canoe to be displayed in similar fashion in the yard because a wood canoe of any age that still looks like a canoe can be brought back to life.



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More lawn art

I am amused. My display has not been quite as permanent.


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The Broken Canoe Camp

Near my deer camp in northern Wisconsin on the Moose River is the Broken Canoe Camp, with two halves of a red fiberglass canoe adorning the roof. The owners had downed a few too many beers one spring day, and tried to run the boulder-strewn Moose River in flood stage.

They didn't have time to ask if cutting a fiberglass canoe in half for a roof display was appropriate. The service was performed by a large boulder and several tons of rushing water midway into their trip.
