Norumbega Winter Meeting


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
In Memoriam
Steve has been very busy building, so here are the details:


January 30th, 2006

Just a reminder that the Norumbega Chapter of the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association will be holding the annual winter meeting and get-together on Sunday, February 12th, 2006 from 12:00 noon until 5:00 pm. All present members are urged to attend and also we are encouraging all other canoe enthusiasts to join us for an afternoon of canoe related enjoyment.

Once again we are holding the meeting at the Hale Reservation, in Westwood, MA. To get to the Hale Reservation, from I-95 (Rte 128) use the Route 109W exit towards Westwood. Follow Route 109 West to your fourth right; Dover Road. Take the third right off Dover Road onto Carby Street. Continue on Carby Street a ⅛ of a mile to the main entrance. The office building is a log cabin on your left just inside the entrance. We will be meeting in the “Trading Post”, a small building on the right side of the roadway, maybe about a half a mile or less from the entrance. Look for the WCHA signs that we will put up to guide you.

Be sure to park in the designated parking lot, try to stay off the unpaved areas, especially if the ground is not frozen.

We are going to start off at noon with sandwiches and sodas for a lunch buffet, if anyone wants to bring along some goodies and/or deserts they will be more than welcome!

I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the Hale on the 12th!
Winter meeting postponed due to Winter

Here's the latest from Steve:

"Well, I've waited as long as I could to make the decision to postpone the Norumbega Meeting because of the impending Nor'easter that appears now to be a sure thing.

It is official: The Chapeter Meeting will be postponed until Sunday, February 26th

Same place, the Hale Reservation, at noon until 5:00pm. I would have moved it up just one week, but they are booked on the 19th

Steve Lapey