Curious about Wooden Canoes
HI there everyone!! I am still kind of a newbie to this site. I have posted one other time, but do come here for great info.
Anyway, to the situation at hand. I just picked up this hand made stripper from a local guy here in Minnesota. He had it on ebay and apprently had it on craigslist but it wasn't on my radar because of how much he was asking and because, honestly, I was kinda looking at plastic boats. I ended up getting it from him though because I was able to barter with him for the boat and had to give him very little cash. I mostly bartered things.
All I know is what he told me. He made it from scratch and it is around 16.6 feet long. It's a stripper(obviously), but it has some wierd design styles on it that I have never seen before and I am also uncertain as to the quality of the boat. Please refer to the pictures to see what I am talking about, but here are some of the wierd things I found when I looked at it. I ended up getting it only because it wasn't gonna cost me that much and he said it had never been in the water and was brand new.
First, it looks like the decking is made of plywood. Don't know if that is just a el cheapo approach, or what. Second, the outer gunnel was been pieced together(purposely) on both side of the canoe. He told me that it was too expensive and just impossible to get a 1 piece gunnel, so he pieced it together the way you would do if you wanted to do a cheaper fix on an old canoe gunnel.(Or at least, that's what I've been told. Not an expert here) Third, he used yellow marine polypropolene rope and epoxied it to the bow and stern of the boat. (Basically as a sort of skid plat for the boat, as it runs all the way down to the hull) He told me this was to protect the boat. I have never seen a stripper with this, and honestly it make the boat look cheap, but someone let me know if this is a common thing to do. He told me he built this boat from a book he got. Fourth, he put these decals on all 4 sides of the boat, and they are decals and NOT painted on. I think they look retarded and was wondering if I could take them off without ruining the finish. He said he just varnished over them and didn't epoxy them. Fifth, there are foam chamber in the bow and stern of the boat. I have seen this on commercial plastic boats, but NEVER on a stripper before, so was wondering if that is a normal thing to do on a boat. I asked, and he told me that they weren't air chambers but rather foam filled chambers. I asked if the boat would stay afloat if flooded and he said it probably wouldn't sink, but I don't know if he was being straight with me. The paint job (blue on the bow and stern and orange on the inside of the boat) he said was from clouding in the resin or fiberglass job he did on the boat. (FYI, he told me he DID fiberglass over the varnish) ALSO, it doesn't look like he did a PROFESSIONAL job with the resin as there are some goopy spots and it is not all smooth on MOST areas of the boat. I don't know anyting about that, so I'm just guessing here, but I HAVE seen professional strippers and the finish is clear and smooth
SOoo... that's what I have for info on the boat. If a couple of people could look at my pictures and the descriptions I gave and give me some kind of idea as to if I got a decent boat(assuming it's seaworthy) or if it looks like a cheap ameteur "do it yourselfer) that got screwed up that would be great. I don't have a TON of money tied up in it, so I know I could probably get rid of it on craigslist if I need to. It honestly is not the right boat for a sinlge gal who has to car top herself(it weighs over 80 lbs!!) but I kind like strippers and my family could ride in it too.(which you can't do with a solo boat. I HAVE NOT TESTED IT FOR SEAWORTHINESS AND PROBABLY WON'T BE ABLE TO UNTIL SPRING NOW UNLESS WE HAVE A WARM WEEKND.
Thanks for any info anyone can give me and I'm sorry for the REALLY long winded post.
Anyway, to the situation at hand. I just picked up this hand made stripper from a local guy here in Minnesota. He had it on ebay and apprently had it on craigslist but it wasn't on my radar because of how much he was asking and because, honestly, I was kinda looking at plastic boats. I ended up getting it from him though because I was able to barter with him for the boat and had to give him very little cash. I mostly bartered things.
All I know is what he told me. He made it from scratch and it is around 16.6 feet long. It's a stripper(obviously), but it has some wierd design styles on it that I have never seen before and I am also uncertain as to the quality of the boat. Please refer to the pictures to see what I am talking about, but here are some of the wierd things I found when I looked at it. I ended up getting it only because it wasn't gonna cost me that much and he said it had never been in the water and was brand new.
First, it looks like the decking is made of plywood. Don't know if that is just a el cheapo approach, or what. Second, the outer gunnel was been pieced together(purposely) on both side of the canoe. He told me that it was too expensive and just impossible to get a 1 piece gunnel, so he pieced it together the way you would do if you wanted to do a cheaper fix on an old canoe gunnel.(Or at least, that's what I've been told. Not an expert here) Third, he used yellow marine polypropolene rope and epoxied it to the bow and stern of the boat. (Basically as a sort of skid plat for the boat, as it runs all the way down to the hull) He told me this was to protect the boat. I have never seen a stripper with this, and honestly it make the boat look cheap, but someone let me know if this is a common thing to do. He told me he built this boat from a book he got. Fourth, he put these decals on all 4 sides of the boat, and they are decals and NOT painted on. I think they look retarded and was wondering if I could take them off without ruining the finish. He said he just varnished over them and didn't epoxy them. Fifth, there are foam chamber in the bow and stern of the boat. I have seen this on commercial plastic boats, but NEVER on a stripper before, so was wondering if that is a normal thing to do on a boat. I asked, and he told me that they weren't air chambers but rather foam filled chambers. I asked if the boat would stay afloat if flooded and he said it probably wouldn't sink, but I don't know if he was being straight with me. The paint job (blue on the bow and stern and orange on the inside of the boat) he said was from clouding in the resin or fiberglass job he did on the boat. (FYI, he told me he DID fiberglass over the varnish) ALSO, it doesn't look like he did a PROFESSIONAL job with the resin as there are some goopy spots and it is not all smooth on MOST areas of the boat. I don't know anyting about that, so I'm just guessing here, but I HAVE seen professional strippers and the finish is clear and smooth
SOoo... that's what I have for info on the boat. If a couple of people could look at my pictures and the descriptions I gave and give me some kind of idea as to if I got a decent boat(assuming it's seaworthy) or if it looks like a cheap ameteur "do it yourselfer) that got screwed up that would be great. I don't have a TON of money tied up in it, so I know I could probably get rid of it on craigslist if I need to. It honestly is not the right boat for a sinlge gal who has to car top herself(it weighs over 80 lbs!!) but I kind like strippers and my family could ride in it too.(which you can't do with a solo boat. I HAVE NOT TESTED IT FOR SEAWORTHINESS AND PROBABLY WON'T BE ABLE TO UNTIL SPRING NOW UNLESS WE HAVE A WARM WEEKND.
Thanks for any info anyone can give me and I'm sorry for the REALLY long winded post.