New to the Site - Greenwood Restoration


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Hi Everyone,

I'm new here - having just picked up my Greenwood canoe (serial # p1631372) a week ago, I'm happy to have found this site. I've never undertaken any of the work I'm going to list below, and am all ears if anyone has anything to mention. I'll attach a few pics of my recent purchase - which seems to be in very good condition.

From my assessment:
  • Re-canvas & Paint
  • Replace the outwales (Mahogany seems to have been the original spec)
  • Replace the existing stem band with brass ones
  • Re-finish the interior

The existing outwales seem to have been replaced at some point in the past, and the scarf joints seems to be in the early stages of coming apart. Can anyone recommend a source for mahogany outwales?

Also, as a matter of preference, I'd like to see the fasteners in brass rather than the stainless that seems to be on there now (but this may fall under the "if it ain't broke" category).

I haven't been able to find much about the Greenwoods, except that it was owned by a fellow named Bill Greenwood in Richmond BC. Anyone know how long they were in business, or when they started? Also, the previous owner seemed to think the canoe was from 1973 - but I can't tell from the serial number whether that's right or not.


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Welcome to WCHA and this site... great bunch of folks, as I'm sure you'll see.

You might try the "search" function at the top of the page to see what's been said in the past about Greenwoods... I have to leave for work, but when I get back I'll check the catalog CD for Canadian canoes and see what's there.

Again, welcome... looks like you have a nice canoe for creating special memories.

Hello, I have a Greenwood waiting in line for me to restore it. It suffered a tree falling on it some years ago (before I got it) and needs a half dozen or so ribs, a couple thwarts and a bit of new planking but otherwise it's pretty good. All original including fire engin red paint.

I did a bit of research a couple years ago but as you say there's not a lot that's quickly available. There is a daughter in Vancouver that was doing to put together all she had for the access of canoe builders and historians but I've not heard more since last fall concerning that.

Mr. Greenwood did indeed work out of Richmond, BC. but for how long I didn't really find out. One source told me that he was on the west coast from about WW2 until the late 60's or early 70's so maybe the date on your canoe is close. He apparently worked for Old Town (I believe) and left them to come west during the war.

There are quite a few of his canoes out this way. In fact there is one for sale in the area at this moment. All that I have seen are very well made, have beautiful lines much like many of the "Maine Guide" style canoes and are excellent paddlers with ample stability. The ribs appear to be Sitka Spruce and planking was (as far as the ones I've seen) made from very nice tight grained quarter sawn (vertical grain) Western Red Cedar, mahogany in/out wales, oak slat seats and mine has brass stem bands but I've seen others that have steel(?) and appear original.

They seem like a very nice boat and I cannot wait until mine is in the water again. But I'm waiting until I have a couple more redo's under my belt before I attempt it.

If you need any info that I can decern (wood type, dimentions, etc.) from mine let me know. I'd be happy to help out.
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