Max Peterson
LOVES Wooden Canoes
Our newly-formed chapter met on Saturday, Feb. 11th at Max Woodworking and chose the name "Three Rivers" for the chapter based in Western Pennsylvania. In addition to Don Bottman as Chapter Head, we elected Jim Speed, Treasurer and decided on a $10 annual dues to cover costs of postage and meeting expenses. Herb Adams, Bob Ball, Howard Gaston, and Jim Speed agreed to coordinate the next session, a trip on the Allegheny River from Franklin, PA to Kennerdale, Pa. to take place May 20th. More information will follow.
Joe Ballay and Paul Knuth presented an excellent program on steam bending. Paul had a canoe in the process of being restored to use as a form and everyone had a chance to take a hand in the bending of sample ribs. They also discussed the process of bending and demonstrated the bending of a gunwale sample. Twenty six wooden canoe enthusiasts were in attendance and a good time was had by all.
Max Peterson
Joe Ballay and Paul Knuth presented an excellent program on steam bending. Paul had a canoe in the process of being restored to use as a form and everyone had a chance to take a hand in the bending of sample ribs. They also discussed the process of bending and demonstrated the bending of a gunwale sample. Twenty six wooden canoe enthusiasts were in attendance and a good time was had by all.
Max Peterson