Ric Altfather
WCHA #4035
Most of the Epoxy companies have sample kits that you can buy for $10. Try them before you buy the big kit. I did that and was able to make a very good evaluation for the project at hand. Also, I end up with a little epoxy for those one off jobs like a paddle, kayak saddles, repairs, etc. I have tried every one and in the final analysis, they all work, again depending on your job. You can save money with some, others offer better advice/support, all can blush depending on the hardner you use...my personal choice (unsolicited) is MAS with Raka (unsolicited) a close second. Buy the glass from the company you get the Epoxy from.
Most of the Epoxy companies have sample kits that you can buy for $10. Try them before you buy the big kit. I did that and was able to make a very good evaluation for the project at hand. Also, I end up with a little epoxy for those one off jobs like a paddle, kayak saddles, repairs, etc. I have tried every one and in the final analysis, they all work, again depending on your job. You can save money with some, others offer better advice/support, all can blush depending on the hardner you use...my personal choice (unsolicited) is MAS with Raka (unsolicited) a close second. Buy the glass from the company you get the Epoxy from.