new canvas

doug schmitt

Curious about Wooden Canoes
I am trying to recanvas an old Penn Yann canoe and need all kinds of help. Do I need to apply bedding compound under the seams or is this done later? I will take all kinds of suggestions cuz I don't know what supprises to expect next.

Doug Schmitt
Hello Doug,

If you haven't already seen a copy of Stelmok and Thurlow's "The Wood and Canvas Canoe", many of your questions would be answered there... although any questions can certainly be posted here as well. Generally, the book alerts folks to the surprises that might be lurking, and they aren't quite so surprising...

The book is now out of print but the WCHA store may still have some, and it can be found on eBay and Amazon (used sellers) and at libraries.

I apply bedding compound to the stem before stretching the first side and stapling/tacking, then again on top of the staples/tacks when stretching the second side.
When finishing the canvas flush with the transom, I apply bedding to the last inch of hull then fold the canvas under an inch and staple/tack.
Jerry and Rollin's book, "The Wood and Canvas Canoe", describes this pretty well.
For bedding compound in areas like this that won't be seen, I use SikaFlex 291. It comes in a caulk tube and is easy to apply. It seals and remains flexible indefinitely. It cleans up with mineral spirits. Traditional bedding compound will work, too, but may dry out and shrink after 100 years.
I apply dolfinite atop the first piece of canvas only, not under. Sikaflex is better to use I think than the dolfinite that I use. ( but I only use the organic free range dolfins) I've heard of not using bedding compound at all under the canvas seems, depending only on the filler and primer and paint. But I think I prefer to use bedding compound, whether it's under and over or just over the first flap. Maybe I should put it under the first flap too.
Hello Doug,

If you haven't already seen a copy of Stelmok and Thurlow's "The Wood and Canvas Canoe", many of your questions would be answered there... although any questions can certainly be posted here as well. Generally, the book alerts folks to the surprises that might be lurking, and they aren't quite so surprising...

The book is now out of print but the WCHA store may still have some, and it can be found on eBay and Amazon (used sellers) and at libraries.


Thank you for the in information. I do have a copy and have referenceed for so much to get me to this point.
Thanks again and Merry Christmas
Thank You it make since to me to apply the bedding compound under the canvas to me to. I'll think I will try this methood.

Thank You