New canoe art

Craig Johnson

Lifetime member
Just finished sprucing up my 1927 15' Kennebec for spring. I left it on the truck rack for a couple of rainy weeks couple years ago. The canvas was already pulling away at the gunwales and the raw canvas sucked up the water and blistered about 6" up (or down) from the gunwales. A few days drying out and all was OK but decided I'd better get to fixing it up. One deck was split so I replaced decks and rail caps and cleaned up the gunwales, then spliced in some canvas and made sure it was refastened well. A new paint job and made sure I had a good seal at the gunwales. I wanted to try some art and had the image of the heron but didn't have the talent to paint it. So maybe not for the purist, but my local sign maker told me he was printing on vinyl and wrapping Jet skis so I had the heron printed and covered with a layer of UV protection and there is the result. Took it to Lake Celendeing for the Three Rivers spring get together. Met some great folks and had a nice (if damp) maiden paddle. Probably wouldn't use the vinyl on a historical restoration but I'm pretty happy with it in this case, What do you think


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Thanks Andre.
The paddle I'm using is one I recently finished and was the first time I used it. It is white cedar and I made the blade a little larger for more resistance or push. It only weighs 1lb 2oz and has quite a bit of flex. I really liked it and if I don't snap it off it will probably be the one I use from no on. I switched for Diane's cherry one at the end of the day and it felt like an anchor (although it is only 1lb 10oz).
I took some paddles to show the Three Rivers group. Took the tiger maple one I made for the auction to drum up some interest.
Here is a link to the Lake Clendening get together.


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Art for sure-- sheer poetry! Thanks for sharing. Your project-- and the heron in particular-- reminded me of a favorite poem-- one with which many here can probably identify:


When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
— Wendell Berry
Great work Craig! The heron looks fantastic. I might have to look into this vinyl art thing. Your paddles are wonderful too. Really like the distinct spine on the cedar blade. It sure does feel lightweight compared to other woods. If it could always make another one, right? Forgot to mention that your wonderfully touching article in the previous Wooden Canoe issue was fantastic. You really have a memorable fleet of canoes in your possession.