Need help with identification


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Hi everyone,
I need some help with identifying a canoe that I would like to work on as a winter project with my kids. I looks to have a spot of a mast, which I do not have. There are no tags or id numbers, just a mark where a tag was.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Look harder at the upper face of the stem at both ends-- wet it down, gently scrape or use stripper and see if anything appears. Sometimes a digital camera will see things the eye misses.

If there's still nothing there, we'll know it isn't an Old Town Otca...
It looks like an Old Town AA grade OTCA model made in 1920 or before. If you look on the stem just forward of the copper floor rack holder, there should be a number stamped into the wood. In image 2.jpg it should be on the floor between the 7 and 8 on the wooden piece that the copper piece is screwed into. All of the digits might not be visible ,and you might need to use some paint stripper to determine what they are. There should be 5 digits, then a space ,and 2 more digits indicating the length. If you can post the serial number, somebody will post the original build record.
Found it!!!!

67825 17

And it is 17ft long! Same numbers in the back!

So, Gil, does this make it the Old Town AA grade OTCA? If so, you are gooooood! Also, is there a site to look up the history of the boat?

Thanks so much for your help!

Yes, it is an Old Town AA grade OTCA, but it was made in 1922, not 1920 or before. It was shipped to Wilkes-Barre. Someone should post the build record for you. If I were good I could post it, but I haven't figured out how to. Gil
Gil, Thanks! You are GOOD!

The boat was used by my uncle for many Boy Scouts adventures. It has been resting in a garage attic at Lake Carey in Tunkhannock, PA, just outside of Wilkes-Barre, for at least 45 years. Would you happen to know the approximate value of a fully restored Old Town AA grade OTCA, circa 1922? I may not want it as a project for the kids and me to tackle if it would be better to have a professional handle it.

Thanks, again!
Check the WCHA classifieds to maybe get an idea of the value of a restored canoe. I've seen many excellent amateur restorations. You might check with a professional restorer in your area to see if he would be willing to do a partial restoration; the parts that you don't feel comfortable doing. Al Bratton @ Woodstrip Watercraft probably isn't too far from you. and you can check the builder/restorer list on the home page to possibly find another close by. He should also be able to give a better idea of value and restoration costs. I would say to go ahead do as much of the restoration as you can and get help where needed, but remember, it's addictive.
Thanks, Gil. I was into restoring old chairs and other furniture BC (before kids) and know what you mean by addictive. Simply stripping a bit of the paint away yesterday in search of the serial number got me going again. I wanted to continue but family called. I think it will be a good project to do with the kids up to the point where I don't feel comfortable or I don't have the proper tools.

Appreciate all your advice and help!
The book most commonly used for canoe restoration is "The Wood and Canvas Canoe" by Stelmok and Thurlow. With your previous restoration-work, you'll probably find you're ahead of many, and will feel comfortable with much of the work. The Forums here are a great place to ask questions and post progress on your canoe... we love before-and-afters, with launching-pictures.

Thanks for the book reference, Kathy. Yesterday I started pulling back some of the old canvas and a hour later had the entire boat stripped. Canvas came off like skinning a salmon. I took a few pics as I too like the before/after shoots. I will post as I progress.