Kathryn Klos
squirrel whisperer
The first meeting of the Michigan UP Chapter will happen on February 17th at 6PM. WCHA members who live in the UP, and those from other places who have their names on our mailing list, will be notified by mail in an exciting newsletter which will be in the mail today.
This message is to inform others of our existance, in case you want to join us. The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is attached to Wisconsin and we are also not all that far from Minnesota... so c'mon over. Denis Kallery will put you up for a night or two-- or longer if Big Snow happens. He has a log house in the woods and isn't a bad cook. The meeting place will be just outside Marquette, and you may email Denis or me for directions and more information.
This message is to inform others of our existance, in case you want to join us. The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is attached to Wisconsin and we are also not all that far from Minnesota... so c'mon over. Denis Kallery will put you up for a night or two-- or longer if Big Snow happens. He has a log house in the woods and isn't a bad cook. The meeting place will be just outside Marquette, and you may email Denis or me for directions and more information.