dmd421 Debbie Darga Sep 15, 2010 #1 September 24-26 2010. Canoeing AuSable River in Mio MI. If interested in joining us, contact Mike & Debbie Darga
September 24-26 2010. Canoeing AuSable River in Mio MI. If interested in joining us, contact Mike & Debbie Darga
Dave Wermuth Who hid my paddle? Sep 15, 2010 #2 Mike and Debbie I was planning on this one but I have a conflict. I am taking a kid I mentor hunting that weekend.
Mike and Debbie I was planning on this one but I have a conflict. I am taking a kid I mentor hunting that weekend.
OP OP dmd421 Debbie Darga Sep 16, 2010 #3 Sorry you won't be able to make it Dave, keep in mind our Spring paddle on the Muskegan River the first weekend in June.
Sorry you won't be able to make it Dave, keep in mind our Spring paddle on the Muskegan River the first weekend in June.
Dave Wermuth Who hid my paddle? Sep 16, 2010 #4 ok I'll mark my calender now. And i see everyone at QWS.
ken.kelly LOVES Wooden Canoes Sep 26, 2010 #5 Photos from Saturday Here are a few photos. Great event and turn-out. Was it 15 or 17 canoes? We're on for next year...plan now...Sept. 24th, 2011. It would be really nice to have some members from other chapters join us. Attachments at put in.jpg 158 KB · Views: 402 on route.jpg 122 KB · Views: 410 route2.jpg 134.9 KB · Views: 411 pit stop.jpg 141.4 KB · Views: 434
Photos from Saturday Here are a few photos. Great event and turn-out. Was it 15 or 17 canoes? We're on for next year...plan now...Sept. 24th, 2011. It would be really nice to have some members from other chapters join us.
G Gil Cramer The wooden canoe Shop, Inc. Sep 27, 2010 #6 Nice photos Ken. Thanks for the post. Who knows, maybe next year. The cabernet itself would be worth the trip. Gil
Nice photos Ken. Thanks for the post. Who knows, maybe next year. The cabernet itself would be worth the trip. Gil